8 Rare Yoga Poses for Exceptionally Strong Abs 


Begin in tabletop position, with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Engage your core and extend your right arm forward and your left leg back. Exhale, bringing your elbow and knee to touch underneath you in a crunch. Inhale to extend back out. Repeat for 5 rounds on each side.

Cat Pose Crunches

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Stack shoulders over wrists and extend heels back. Press outer shins in, firm leg muscles, and engage core. Hold for 10 breaths.

Plank Pose

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

From plank, shift weight onto right hand and outer edge of right foot. Lift left arm to sky and stack feet. Hold for 5–10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Vasisthasana (Side Plank)

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Transition to forearms from plank position. Press forearms, elbows, and palms into floor, creating a straight line from shoulders to heels. Hold for 10 breaths.

Dolphin Plank

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Start in Chair Pose, then twist and hook opposite tricep over opposite thigh. Hold for 5–10 breaths on each side.

Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose)

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Ground down into all four corners of front foot, hug inner thighs toward each other, and lift up from core. Hold for 5–10 breaths.

Crescent Lunge

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

From Standing Forward Bend, ground down into right foot, lift left leg parallel to floor, and open hips toward left side wall. Hold for 5 breaths. Repeat on other side.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Take a wide stance on your mat, straighten legs, and place bottom hand to outside of front leg. Twist chest high and reach top arm overhead. Hold for 5 breaths. Switch sides.

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), variation

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Sit on floor, bend knees, and lift feet off ground. Extend arms forward. Hold for 5–10 breaths.

Navasana (Boat Pose), variation

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

Lie on back, lift legs to sky, and interlace hands behind head. Lift head and shoulders off mat. Hold for 5–10 breaths.

Urdhva Prasarita Padasana (Upward Extended Feet Pose)

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

From plank, shift forward, lower halfway down, keeping elbows close to body. Hold for 5 breaths.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin

From plank, bring right knee to touch nose, rounding spine. Extend leg back out to plank. Repeat on left side. Alternate for 5–10 rounds.

Phalakasana (Plank Pose) with Knee-to-Nose

Burst with Arrow
Yellow Location Pin